Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Astrology for Dummies

Astrology is fun because it predicts you. The good side of it enables you to evaluate yourself. And of course, not every single things predicted should be true.Astrology is a no-no for people who are most likely to take prediction seriously and start living under the prediction. Revathy loves astrology, because it explains much about her own self. Being born on 2nd August 1987, Thula rasi, Swathi Nakshtiram, Revathy has her own personality.

Name: Revathy Sevasankaran Menon

Sun Sign : Leo
What is this ?
Sun signs are the easiest of astrology. It is purely based on your month of birth. As I'm born in early August, I carry Leo sun sign. Each sun signs leads into personalities with different traits. Of course, we might not possess all of the suggested traits, and that's why it is called as general traits. Anyway, you might have some characteristics from the overall trait spectrum. The following website enables you to explore your sun sign characteristics in detail.


Moon Sign : Thulam
What is this ?
Why moon sign astrology if we already have our own sun sign? Astrologers believes that energy from moon affects our emotion, instinct and passion. Moon sign provides more accurate prediction about your nature. Moon moves fast, about 13-15 degree per day, hence one sign will only last for 2 and 1/4 days. Thus, moon signs varies drastically. Moon sign calculation requires date of birth, time of birth, location of birth (latitude and longitude) and even Timezone information. Keen to know your moon sign? Get it calculated at http://www.astrojyoti.com/5in1 or http://www.agasthiar.org/AUMzine/0019-rasi.htm#tbl. These other websites shall describe your moon sign features more thoroughly.

Nakshathiram : Swathi
What is this ?
Naksthara can be calculated using the same application mentioned above for moon sign. There are 27 nakstharas, and these naksthara will explain into greater length about yourself, from your temperament to your sexual desire. According to Hindu rites, it is recommended to name newborns with names which start with the appropriate syllable as required for their naksthara. It is believed that such name will bring the best prosperity and luck in the child's life, as the child will be receiving the best vibrational link with the universe. I was born under Swathi, so it was ideal to name me after syllable Ra, Re, Ro, Roo or Ta. That's how I get my name. Want to know more? Choose your naksthara at http://www.astrojyoti.com/nakshatrachart.htm and  and this one too http://sumukha.limewebs.com/nakshatras.php

Lifepath number : 8
What is this ?
Lifepath number is an accurate indicator for individual's personality. It helps you to understand your strengths and weaknesses. It is calculated by adding all the digits of the day, month and year of birth. Don't forget to get a quick glance at http://www.lifepathnumber.com/en/?n=my

Birthday number: 2
What is this?
It is very closely connected to your Life Path number as it reveals the approach you take in reacting to life's challenges and opportunities. It also indicates a specific talent and key to your emotional happiness. If you were born on a double-digit day (i.e. the 13th), it is necessary to look at both numbers separately, as well as their sum. In this example, being born on the 13th means you have the 'approach of a 4', but are also influenced by the 1 and 3 energies which suggest additional abilities and character traits. Choose your birthday number at http://www.decoz.com/DoReading_numerology_2.htm

Name Number: 9
What is this ?
It is calculated based on your full name at birth. Destiny number is important in numerology love matching. It is also equally important to determine's one's self-growth. Even one alphabet difference can create difference in your personality. It is not absurd, it is just science. Pronounciation of your name will affect your energy spectrum, and thus affects everything else you do in your life. Unveil your destiny number at the following link:http://www.astrology-numerology.com/num-expression.html and get further information about how it influences your life. For more easier option, just enter your name at http://paulsadowski.com/Numbers.asp

Ingredient from Sun Sign Leo

- Liveliness
- Love and respect for others
- Only falls for real 'man' in every aspect
- Passionate
- Likes gifts and compliments
- Independent
- Jealous and possessive

Ingredients from Moon Sign Thulam:

- Logical in nature
- Loves balance and harmony
- Sensitive
- Curious
- Charming
- Easily mix with people
- Thick attractive nose
- Believe in religion
- Objective and wants the best for everyone
- Fair and likes to avoid conflict

Ingredients from Swathi nakshathara:

- Admirable
- Seldom forgive betrayer
- Not social butterflies
- Not greedy or jealous over others
- Not willing to share their own property
- Loves freedom
- Early life is marked with hardship

Ingredients from Lifepath Number 8:

- Natural leader
- Good manager
- Materialistic
- Visionary
- Reckless
- Survivor
- Ambitous

Ingredient from Birthday Number 2:

- Sensitive and easily vulnerable
- Easily influenced by surrounding
- Loves beauty and attention
- Intuitive
- Vulnerable to depression
- Peace maker
- Aware of others mind
- Possess artistic and musical ability
- Warm and affectionate
- Likes security

Ingredient from Name Number 9:

- The teacher
- Compassionate life
- Curious towards worldly understanding
- The big sister type
- Can inspire people
- Creative and imaginative
- Gives importance to love
- Sympathetic and tolerant
- Broad-minded
- Self-centred
- Overly involved in other people's need

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